
2020 AGM – Timetable & Arrangements

2020 AGM – Timetable & Arrangements

Dear member,

Please be aware that the 2020 AGM will take place on Wednesday 18th November at 8pm.

Clearly we cannot hold it in the clubhouse as normal and although theoretically, our current Club Rules do not allow for a Zoom (or similar) AGM, this year it will be an AGM held via Zoom.

Amongst other business, the AGM approves the Committee Officers for next year.

So, if you would like to influence the Club’s ‘continuous improvement’ going forward, please consider standing for one of the positions!


The timetable is as follows:


26th October:

  • The Committee positions / nominations form for 2021 will be put up on Clubhouse noticeboard as usual, there is no change to this annual process.
  • An email will be sent to all eligible members regarding this and the process for nominations.
  • Attached to that email will also be the revised Club Rules which have to be made available to members at least 21 days prior to the AGM.  Once again, theoretically we cannot approve these revised Club Rules at an AGM that is not held ‘face to face’ but the meeting will seek adoption of them for the practical running of the Club going forward and they will be ratified at our next AGM or EGM (the revised Club Rules will allow this).


12th November:

An email will be sent to all eligible members with the following documents attached:

  • AGM Agenda
  • Previous year’s AGM minutes
  • Audited Accounts for 2019-20
  • Committee positions / nominations for 2021
  • Proposed Subscription Fees for 2021/22


17th November:

An email will be sent to all eligible members with the invitation to join the Zoom AGM


18th November:

8pm Zoom AGM; the ‘Polls’ function will be used for attendees to vote on each of:

  • Adoption of previous year’s AGM minutes
  • Adoption of 2019-20 Audited Accounts
  • Election of 2021 Officers (including selection if more than 1 candidate for a role)
  • Adoption of Proposed Subscription Fees for 2021/22