
CLTC Track and Trace – Procedures You Must Follow

CLTC Track and Trace – Procedures You Must Follow

Dear Member,

To ensure that we are doing everything possible to make the tennis club a Covid secure venue, we have been asking people who visit the club for any reason to sign in the diary located on the table just inside the clubhouse. This includes parents of children being coached and any other visitors, as well as members.

Please ensure you sign in every time you visit the club even if it is on the same day. Please remember to enter your name, and the time you arrive.

This is key to the success of the Track and Trace system in operation at CLTC.

DO NOT enter the club grounds if you have any symptoms associated with the virus – temperature, persistent cough, loss of smell or taste.

If you or any member of your household do have symptoms you must isolate immediately and follow the national guidelines. These can be found on the Gov.uk website under NHS Guidelines for Test and Trace.

As a result of this, if you or any member of your household are diagnosed with Covid 19 you must inform the Club immediately

Contact either Judy Young, Welfare Officer, and/or Lynda Herity, Administrator (contact details below)

We will then contact all other club members who are likely to have been in contact with you and ask them to isolate and follow the national guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation…by doing so we can hopefully keep playing tennis safely until the pandemic is resolved.

And don’t forget – HANDS FACE SPACE and TRACE

Kind Regards

Judy Young – 07714615160

Lynda Herity – 07717650511