You will all be aware that the Club has been investigating a move from the existing inefficient Halogen court floodlights to LED court floodlights for over a year. We have focused on courts 4, 5 & 6 because these floodlights cost the most to run and provide sub-optimal light levels currently. Quotations were obtained from three suppliers and after a preferred solution / supplier was identified, reference visits made to installations at other clubs . The closure of our Club for periods last year has delayed things however I am pleased to confirm that your committee has identified an acceptable design at an acceptable cost.
The proposal is to replace the existing 12 Mercury Halide luminaires (total 24kw) with 8 LED luminaires (total 8kw) whilst retaining the existing columns on courts 4, 5 & 6
The consequences of this will be:
- A reduction of 80 – 90% in spill outside the illuminated area
- A reduction of c. 70% in the Club’s carbon footprint and electricity lighting cost
- A visually less intrusive lighting installation (because there will be only 8 luminaires)
In other words, everyone wins – the neighbours experience significantly less spill, the planning conditions originally granted in 1993 are more than met, the Club’s running costs are reduced, and the quality of court illumination is increased.
Discussions with Three Rivers District Council confirm that planning consent is not required since the design complies with the conditions of the earlier, 1993, consent.
From the reference visits we have undertaken, members can expect a dramatic improvement in the court illumination. Furthermore, illumination is instantaneous, and the lights may be switched off and on without waiting 20 minutes’ cooling time as is the case currently.
The Club endeavours to make a small surplus each year to accumulate reserves for major projects such as court resurfacing every 10 years or so. Other than this, the LED court floodlight project is the next biggest outlay the club is likely to make. However, unlike court resurfacing when the courts wear out, the upgrading of the floodlights to LEDs will have operational cost savings on power usage and maintenance because of a 10-year warranty.
The proposed expenditure utilises about a third of current reserves; the Club will continue in a healthy financial position following procurement.
In due course, it is intended to upgrade the floodlights on courts 1, 2 & 3 to LEDs.
I will update everyone when more information regarding the installation timetable is known.
Kind regards,
Chris Van Dyk on behalf of the Committee